Our Story

How it all started...

New Faith Chapel held its first service on March 15, 1987 with 28 people in attendance.  They held Sunday services at one home and rotated the midweek services between the 5 founding families. In searching for a permanent location, no boundaries were set.  Some property was found on Gross Ile that looked like the answer, but after a few months, was determined it was not God’s plan. During that time, a former bank building in New Boston was rented on a temporary basis with a hand shake in August 1987.  Borrowed chairs were used until they purchased forty chairs, hymnals, and a piano. That building housed New Faith Chapel for three years.  Near the end of 1987, the founding pastor resigned.  There were thoughts and attempts to distribute monies that had been accumulated during this short time.  Founded in prayer through Jesus Christ, this congregation now developed a deeper commitment rather than a death rattle. God provided new energy that soon followed.

In January 1988, William “Curt” Swick “came to hold a few services and help out until a permanent replacement could be secured.  God had sent this man to lead this congregation.  A few weeks later he was asked if he would consider the position and he accepted.

Expanding the vision...

It was evident that the bank would soon not be large enough to hold this growing congregation.  Around Easter of 1989 a piece of land on Middlebelt was purchased on a five year land contract. In 1990 the first building on this property was complete and would be used for church services for 7 years.
The current main building on that property was built in 1997, and recently remodeled in 2023 with the original sanctuary currently serving as our Fellowship Hall and NFC Kids ministry department for Pre-K through 5th grade students.

Where we are headed...

As God has continued to bless, New Faith Chapel has grown and added staff and ministry opportunities.  We have a full-time youth pastor and a facility used to reach our ever expanding student ministry for those in 6th-12th grade.  God has seen fit to bring on board our team a Family Discipleship Pastor that helps with counseling needs and oversees our Life Groups. We currently reach about 2,000 folks in the community with our annual Trunk or Treat and we open our doors monthly to our Food Pantry called Nita’s Closet.  This is just a taste of what God’s doing and where He is moving us in the days to come. We desire more than anything to be a church in the downriver area that truly loves and makes an impact on the community for Jesus—showing that He is our hope for this world.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30AM.

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